Jan 26, 2021
- UBS Ups Apple Q1FY21 Expectations, Maintains “Hold” and $115 Target
- JP Morgan Analyst Expects Q1 “Blockbuster Beat”
- Cowen & Co. Ups iPhone Production Estimates for Current Quarter
- Wedbush Ups Apple Target to $175 on iPhone Strength
- Apple Shares Hit New Intraday and Closing Highs
- Apple Earnings Call Set for Tomorrow
- Riccio Promoted to Secret Project, Ternus Named SVP Hardware Engineering
- Apple Seeds Second Beta of macOS 11.2 to Devs and Public Beta Program
- Fitness+ “Time to Walk” Stories Go Live on Apple Watch
- Palmer First Look Lands on YouTube
- Apple Posts Second Trailer for “The Snoopy Show”
- Sun Basket - Eat Clean, Feel Great. Use promo code macosken for $35 off your order at SunBasket.com/macosken!
- Ken's going live on YouTube! Subscribe to his channel: YouTube.com/kenray
- Power what we do next for as little as $1 a month. Join the Mac OS Ken Test Kitchen at Patreon at Patreon.com/macosken
- Send me an email: info@macosken.com or call (716)780-4080!